PXL Controllers
Add a PXL Hub
1.0 Introduction The following steps explain how to add and claim a hub. When adding the hub you will associate it with the PXL site. Once the hub has been successfully claimed the hub will be configured for the PXL hardware type. Notes: A hub ...
Add a PXL Site
1.0 Introduction The following section explains how to add a PXL site to Borealis. Once the PXL site has been added you will then be able to add a claim a hub. When the hub is associated with a PXL site it will then automatically be configured to ...
PXL Controller Installation Guide
1.0 Introduction This document contains basic information for the installation of the PXL-500 Controller. 2.0 Important Note: Keri Public Statement on the Amazon Key Keri does not support the use of the Amazon Key on Keri controllers. The Amazon Key ...
PXL Controllers - Exceeding More than 32 Doors
If the PXL system will be exceeding 32 doors then an additional hub will be needed. To ensure that setting up and administering access rights is as simple as possible you should ensure that multiple hubs are added to the same site. So, for example: ...
Replacing a Hub Configured for PXL Controllers
1.0 Introduction The following steps explain how to replace a hub that has been configured for PXL controllers. A replacement hub will automatically be updated with the system database located in the Cloud and so, once updated you will not need to ...
PXL Sync and Full Sync
1.0 Introduction There are certain circumstances where a sync or full sync needs to be performed on the controller network - this ensures the database on the cloud is in sync with the databases located on the PXL controllers. The Borealis user ...
PXL Controller Model Change
1.0 Introduction If the detected controller model is different to the controller model in Borealis then it is important to manually correct the controller model and then perform a sync on the controller. If the controller model is not corrected then ...
PXL Controller Settings
1.0 Introduction The following document explains the PXL controller settings that are available and editable in Borealis. From the main menu, go to Hardware >> Controllers. The controllers page will appear. From the Actions drop-down list on the ...
Add PXL Secondary Controllers via Scan
1.0 Introduction Once a PXL primary controller has been added to the system you will then be able to add the PXL secondary controllers. The secondary controllers are connected to the PXL controller via an RS-485 network. You will not be able to add ...
Add a PXL Primary Controller via Manual Add
1.0 Introduction Once the PXL-configured hub has been claimed and updated, you can then add a PXL primary controller. A PXL primary is the first controller on the network (and is address #1). There are two methods for adding a PXL primary controller ...
Add a PXL Primary Controller via Scan
1.0 Introduction Once the PXL-configured hub has been claimed and updated, you can then add a PXL primary controller. A PXL primary is the first controller on the network (and is address #1). There are two methods for adding a PXL primary controller ...
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