NXT-MSC Controllers
Modifying the NXT-MSC RTE Input Settings
If you are not using Request-to-Exit (RTE) inputs you will notice that the lock relays will activate when the controller has a memory reset. The reason is because by default, the RTE inputs are set to Normally-Closed. When the controller does a ...
Accessing the Controller via Mozilla Firefox
The NXT-MSC controller web manager is inaccessible by the latest versions of most browsers due to its older TLS version and ciphers. To access the NXT-MSC controller via Firefox you have to change the minimum TLS version (this can be done with ...
Add an NXT-MSC and True Mercury Hub
1.0 Introduction The following steps explain how to add and claim a NXT-MSC hub. When adding the hub you will associate it with the NXT-MSC site. Once the hub has been successfully claimed the hub will be configured for the NXT-MSC and True Mercury ...
Add an NXT-MSC and True Mercury Site
1.0 Introduction The site determines which hardware type will be used. Once a site has been added you will then be able to add a hub (or multiple hubs) to the site. A site may represent a business location, a floor of a building or any other grouping ...
NXT-MSC - Controller Internal Configuration
The following document explains how to access the controller internal configuration and which configuration options can be changed within Borealis. 1.0 Access Controller Internal Configuration Options From the Borealis main menu, click on Hardware >> ...
NXT-MSC Controller - Assign a Static IP Address
Configure the Controller With a Static IP Address Once the NXT-MSC controller has been added to Borealis you should configure the controller with a static IP address. This can be done via the controller's Internal Configuration menu. Important Note: ...
Replace an NXT-MSC Controller
1.0 Introduction The following steps explains the correct method for replacing an NXT-MSC controller. Following these steps exactly ensures that the controllers, reader and access rights settings are retained and will not need to be reprogrammed. ...
NXT-MSC Controller Firmware Upgrade
1.0 Introduction The following steps explain how to upgrade the firmware on an NXT-MSC or NXT-MSC controller via the Borealis user interface. 2.0 Check if the Controller Needs a Firmware Upgrade Once you have the controller(s) online, open live ...
NXT-MSC (Mercury-Powered) Controller Setup
Add a New NXT-MSC Controller (2D or 4D) The following steps explain how to add an NXT-MSC controller to Borealis. It assumes that you have already followed the steps to add an NXT-MSC site to your system. During the steps to claim the hub you will ...
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NXT Controller Firmware Upgrade
1.0 Introduction The following steps explain how to upgrade the firmware on an NXT controller via the Borealis user interface. 2.0 Check if the Controller Requires a Firmware Upgrade Once you have the controller(s) online, open live events via the ...
Cardholders and Credential Enrollment
1.0 Introduction Cardholder and credential enrollment is a very simple process and the system supports manual enrollment of Keri MS, Keri NXT, 26-bit Wiegand card formats and RAW Wiegand card numbers. Manual Enrollment is the process of manually ...
Borealis Overview
1.0 Introduction The new Borealis Cloud user interface is a completely new and re-designed front end for Borealis. It is extremely easy to learn and operate and allows you to quickly and easily find all your access control data - all in one place. ...
Borealis System Setup
Introduction Note: If you are using the new user interface, the instructions can be found here: https://help.kerisys.com/portal/en/kb/borealis/new-user-interface/system-setup This section explains how to setup a new Borealis cloud access control ...
Borealis - Glossary of Terms
Access Control - A general term describing the control, management, and monitoring of the entrance and exit of people through secure areas. Borealis - Keri Systems' access control Cloud solution. Card - An identification device assigned to an ...