Presentation Enrollment

Presentation Enrollment

1.0 Introduction

Borealis allows you to use any reader on the system as an enrollment reader. The presentation enrollment feature can be accessed via live events and it will allow you to enroll a new credential simply by presenting that credential to a reader. Presentation enrollment should be used for random credential numbers, such as MIFARE CSNs (Card Serial Numbers) and for credentials that have a programmed facility code but that facility code is unknown.


Presentation Enrollment leverages the live events screen and allows enrollment of credentials which have recently been presented at a reader. Presentation enrolled credentials can be enrolled to a new cardholder record or assigned to an existing cardholder record.


As with Block Enroll, Presentation Enroll uses an intuitive enrollment wizard which has the same look and feel as enrolling a single credential.



  • For accuracy in calculating the correct internal number for the credential, you should verify that you are seeing 'Access Denied - Not in File' in live events when you present the credential that you wish to enroll.
  • The Presentation Enroll feature can also be used to discover what facility code is programmed to a credential.
  • A single presentation enrolled credential can be enrolled to an existing cardholder record. However, multiple presentation enrolled credentials can only be assigned to new cardholder records.
  • If enrolling multiple credentials they must be of the same format and programmed with the same facility code (if applicable).


The following steps explain how to presentation enroll a 26-bit Wiegand HID credential (but the same steps also apply to presentation enrolling other credentials types).


2.0 Presentation Enrolling a Single Credential

  1. Log into Borealis at
  2. Log in with your user name and password.

  3. Click on Live Events from the main menu.

  4. The live events grid will appear which will display system events as they happen.
  5. If you have multiple sites you should select the required site from the site select drop-down list.

  6. On the right side of the screen, click on the PRESENTATION ENROLL button.

  7. From the card format drop-down menu, select the format for the credential type you will be enrolling.

  8. Present the credential to any reader on the system.
  9. An 'Access Denied - Not in File' event will appear.

  10. The detected credential imprint and facility code will also be displayed. Typically the imprint is the number that is printed on the credential.

  11. Place a check mark next to the event time stamp.

  12. Click the ENROLL NEW button located on the right.

  13. Enter a first name and a last name for the new cardholder.
  14. Place a check mark in Never Expire - or you can set an activation time and date and an expiration time and date to make the cardholder temporary.

  15. Click the SAVE & NEXT button.
  16. Set the card status to active then click SAVE & NEXT again.

  17. Finally, assign access rights to the new cardholder. Click SAVE.
  18. The cardholder will be added to the system and will be automatically sent out to all controllers to which the cardholder has access rights.

  19. Within a few seconds the cardholder will be able to gain access at any reader it is assigned access rights to.


3.0 Presentation Enrolling Multiple Credentials

Presentation Enrollment also allows you to enroll a block of credentials by presenting them to a reader one-after-the-other.


Note: When enrolling multiple credentials they will be inactive, by default and the cardholder name will be 'Unassigned#' (Unassigned followed by the enrolled imprint). Once enrollment is complete you can then assign the real name to the cardholder record and you will then be able to activate the credentials (by setting the credential to Active).

  1. Click on Live Events from the main menu.
  2. The live events grid will appear which will display system events as they happen.
  3. Select the specific site (if you have multiple sites).
  4. On the right side of the screen, click on the PRESENTATION ENROLL button.

  5. The card format drop-down menu, select the format for the credential type you will be enrolling.

  6. Present all the credentials that you wish to enroll to any reader on the system.

    Note: If you are enrolling sequentially ordered credentials they do not need to be presented in order.

  7. Each time you present a credential it will appear on screen.
  8. Once you have presented all the credentials you wish to enroll place a check mark against each of them.

  9. Click the ENROLL NEW button.
  10. As you are enrolling multiple credentials the first name and last name will be set to 'Unassigned#' and is non-editable.
  11. Select Never Expire or leave unchecked if you wish to configure the new credentials with an activation date and expiration date.

  12. Click NEXT.
  13. The enrolled format will be displayed.
  14. You will also see the starting imprint number and the ending imprint number.
  15. Because you are enrolling multiple credentials the status will also be Not Active.
  16. Click NEXT.


  17. The next window allows you to assign access rights to the credentials. Select an access right to assign to the cardholders, or leave it set to none if access rights haven't been configured yet, or if the block of credentials will be assigned different access rights.

    Note: You will not be able to assign access rights to credentials if hardware has not been added to the system.

  18. Click Save.
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