Modifying the NXT-MSC RTE Input Settings
If you are not using Request-to-Exit (RTE) inputs you will notice that the lock relays will activate when the controller has a memory reset. The reason is because by default, the RTE inputs are set to Normally-Closed.
When the controller does a Power-On-Self-Test it checks the status of the inputs and if the circuits are open then the RTE function will activate. To prevent this from happening you should do the following on each reader:
- Expand the controller and then the controllers bus.
- Highlight one of the controller's readers.
- In the reader properties located on the right, locate the REX 1 Properties.
- In the Circuit Type field change the setting from Unsupervised, Normally-Closed to Unsupervised, Normally-Open.
- Then save the reader properties.
- The next time the controller has a memory reset the lock relays will remain inactive.
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