Mercury MP/LP/EP Controllers - Assign a Static IP Address

Mercury MP/LP/EP Controllers - Assign a Static IP Address

Configure the Mercury MP, LP or EP Controller With a Static IP Address

Once the controller has been added to Borealis you should configure it with a static IP address. This can be done via the controller's Internal Configuration menu.

NotesImportant Note: Before assigning the controller with a static IP address you should ensure the IP address you wish to assign is not already assigned to another device on the network.

The following example demonstrates assigning a static IP address to an EP-1502 but the process is the same for all Mercury EP, LP and MP controller types.
  1. From the Borealis main menu, click on Hardware >> Controllers.

  2. Locate the controller that you have added.
  3. Use the controller's Actions menu located on the right side of the screen and select Configure.

  4. The Internal Configuration form will appear.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select Network.
  6. You will see that by default the Network Method is set to DHCP.
  7. Change the Network Method to Static and then enter the static IP address you wish to assign to the controller.

  8. The Subnet Mask and Default Gateway should not be edited.
  9. Click the SAVE button.
  10. Next, click the APPLY CHANGES and Reboot button.
  11. You will see a notification prompting you to confirm the reboot.

  12. Click Yes to proceed.
  13. The controller will reboot and it will momentarily go offline.
  14. Within a few seconds the controller should be back online and the new, static IP address will be displayed.

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