Change Operator's E-mail Address

Change Operator's E-mail Address

The following steps explain how you can change your registered Borealis e-mail address:
  1. From the Borealis user interface, click your e-mail address in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select Account.

  3. Click the CHANGE E-MAIL button.
  4. Enter the new e-mail address you wish to use for our Borealis account.

    - Important Note: For security reasons the username (e-mail) and password are both case-sensitive. Please ensure your email (username) is entered in ALL IN LOWERCASE characters.

  5. Enter the password for your existing Borealis account.

  6. Click the UPDATE button.

    Note: The new e-mail address should NOT currently be registered with Borealis. The following error will appear if the new e-mail address is already registered with a Borealis user account.

  7. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the new e-mail address and a notification will also be send to the existing e-mail address.

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