Add an NXT Exit Reader (Applies to NXT-MSC Only)

Add an NXT Exit Reader (Applies to NXT-MSC Only)

1.0 Introduction

When using NXT-MSC controllers you can use NXT Exit readers. An exit reader is wired into the same bus as a standard NXT entry reader (as illustrated), to control entrance and exit through a single door.

Although just one door will be controlled, card access events are displayed as coming from two separate readers and the readers can also be independently selected in access groups to control access in and out of an access point.


  1. The NXT Exit readers are only compatible with NXT-MSC controllers. They are NOT compatible with the standard NXT controllers.
  2. An NXT Exit reader model is NXT-1RE, NXT-3RE, NXT-5RE. You cannot add a standard NXT1R, 3R or 5R as an Exit reader.
  3. When you power-on an NXT Exit reader, the reader LED will indicate it is an Exit reader by flashing red/green/amber. When powering-on an Entry reader its LED will flash Green/Amber.

2.0 Setup Procedure

2.1 Verify that the Entry Reader is Online

The following steps explain how to check that the NXT Entry reader is online to the bus that the NXT Exit reader will be added:
  1. From the Borealis main menu, click on Hardware >> All.

  2. You will see all the controllers on the system.
  3. Expand the controller and then the bus by click the white arrow next to the hardware item's name.
  4. Select the NXT Entry reader.

  5. On the right side of the screen will be the reader's properties. Check that the reader status is Online.

2.2 Add the NXT Exit Reader

The following steps explain how to add an NXT Exit reader to an NXT-MSC controller in Borealis.

Note: An NXT Exit reader model is NXT-1RE, NXT-3RE, NXT-5RE. You cannot add a standard NXT1R, 3R or 5R as an Exit reader.
  1. Wire the NXT Exit reader into the same bus as the NXT Entry reader.
  2. On the hardware tree (Main Menu >> Hardware >> All), select the bus which has the NXT Entry reader and NXT Exit reader connected.

  3. On the right side of the screen, click the ADD EXIT READER button.

  4. Confirm the prompt that appears.
  5. The page will then refresh.
  6. Navigate back to the bus where the Exit reader was added... you will see a new entry on the bus named: 'Secondary Readers'.
  7. Click the down-arrow next to this new entry and you will see the new Exit reader.

  8. Select the new Exit reader and the reader properties will appear on the right.
  9. Within a few seconds the Exit reader should also shows as online.

    Note: Because an Exit reader mirrors the functions of the associated Entry reader, there are only a few Exit reader settings that can be adjusted. For example; you can't assign an auto-unlock time schedule to an access reader - it will follow the auto-unlock schedule that has been assigned to the Entry reader.

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